Walking their dogs come across a bar

Two guys are walking their dogs and come across a bar. One of them smiles. “shit yeah, let’s get wasted!” he says. The other guy isn’t sure. “I dunno, man. I don’t want to leave my dog outside around these parts.” “Dude, relax. Just follow my lead.”

The first guy puts on some sunglasses, then goes up to the bouncer, and tries to get in. “Whoa, whoa, buddy. No dogs allowed.” The bouncer says. “I’m blind, and this is my seeing eye dog.” the first man says. The bartender, embarrassed, lets the first guy in with the dog.

Emboldened, the second guy puts on some sunglasses and goes up. “Hey, buddy, no dogs allowed.” The bouncer says again. “I’m blind, and this is my seeing eye dog.” The second man says. The bouncer looks skeptical. “Sir… that’s a chihuahua.”

The second guy pauses for a second, then screams, “A CHIHUAHUA?! THEY GAVE ME A FUCKING CHIHUAHUA?!”


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