Joke of the Day – Closest to God

The teacher gave the class an assignment. Everyone must think of which part of their body is closest to God. They are to go home and think about it and come in the next day with their thoughts.

The next day the teacher asked the class what they thought – Little Johnny is jumping out of his chair Oooo! Oooo! Oooo! – I know!!! I know!!!

The teacher wanted to hear from someone else so little Sally raised her hand and said:

S – your head
T – Why is that Sally?
S – Because it is the highest part of your body
T – Good answer Sally – anyone else???

Little Johnny – I know I know !!!!!!

Not yet Johnny give someone else a try!

Little Becky replied:

B – your heart
T – Why Becky
B – Because you love with your heart and we love God.
T – Good answer Becky

Little Johnny is still jumping from his chair raising his hand!!!

Ok Johnny what part of the body do you think is closer to God??

J – your feet
T – Why your feet?
J – because last night my mom had her feet in the air and she was yelling “Oh God – Oh God I’m coming!!”


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