Joke of the Day – medical student

A medical student is doing is rotation on the psychiatric ward. He is getting a tour by the attending psychiatrist, seeing the grounds, etc. The two of them walk down a hall, with a number of locked doors on both sides. The attending doctor opens the first door on the left. The student looks in and sees a man, buck naked and shaved completely bald. The man is laying on a mattress, which, besides the toilet, is the only item in the white room. The man is furiously masturbating. The student, shocked, asks “My God, what is his problem?” The attending answers, “He has a very unique condition. He is locked in a delusion belief system: he thinks that if he does not ejaculate 17 times each day, his testicles will explode.” They leave and continue walking down the hall. The attending doctor unlocks and opens another door. Inside the resident sees a man sitting on a canopied bed, decked out in a velvet robe. The room is as finely appointed as a five-star hotel. In one hand the patient holds a glass of scotch, in the other a fine Cuban cigar. There is also a beautiful, buxom, blonde nurse in the room, performing oral sex on the patient. The student, perplexed, asks “what is his problem?” The attending doctor replies “Oh, he has the same problem as that last guy, but he has a much better insurance plan.”

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