Joke of the Day: in labor

A woman was about to go into labor when the doctor revealed a revolutionary new device that could transfer some of the pain of childbirth to the father.

The woman’s husband, being the nice, loyal guy he is, decided to man up and take some of the pain for his wife. The doctor started at 20%. 20% of the pain was transferred, but the husband didn’t feel anything. He says, “crank it up, doc.” The setting goes up to 40%. The husband still doesn’t feel anything. He says, “I’m still okay. Crank it up, I’m sure I can handle it.” The perplexed doctor raises the setting to 60%. The husband, still completely unfazed, says, “Wow. This is 60%? I don’t know what she always complains about.” The doctor, now beginning to doubt the device, cranks it up to 100%. The woman delivers her child painlessly, and the husband still doesn’t feel anything.

The happy couple go home, where they are greeted by a neighbor. He says, “You wouldn’t believe what happened when you were gone! The mailman suddenly fell to the ground, screamed in increasing agony for 20 minutes, and died!”


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