Ray, Billy, and Dugly

Three roughnecks – Ray, Billy, and Dugly – were working on a rig in the oilfield. While they were working one day, Ray falls off the rig tower and is killed instantly. As the ambulance picks up his dead body and drives away, Billy says, “Somebody needs to go and tell his wife.” Dugly replied, “I’ll do it. I’m good with this sensitive stuff.”

Two hours later Dugly returns with a case of beer. Billy asked him, “Where’d you get the beer?” Dugly told him Ray’s wife gave it to him. Billy replies, flabbergasted, “Unbelievable! You told the lady her husband was dead and she gave you beer?”

Dugly said, “Not exactly, Billy. When she answered the door, I asked her ‘Are you Ray’s widow’. She says, ‘You must be mistaken, I’m not a widow.'”
“And then I said, ‘I’ll bet you a case of beer you are.'”


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