Joke of the Day – the blonde and the t.v….

so this blonde goes to a store and says “can i get that tv” the manager say “no mam we don’t sell to blondes”. so the blonde goes back home and dies her hair red. then she goes to the store and askes for the t.v the manager say “no mam we dont sell to blondes”. then she goes home again and dies her hair brown. she goes back and asks again for the t.v. the manager again says “no mam we don’t sell to blondes”. she goes home one last time and shaves her hair off. she returns to the store for the last time and says “can i buy that t.v.” the manager say “no mam we don’t sell to blondes”. then the blonde says: “i’ve asked for the t.v as a blonde then i died it red, went home and died it brown, you still said no so i shaved all my hair off! why can’t i have that t.v” well the manager says: ” bacause we don’t sell to blondes for one and for two that is a microwave mam!


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