Joke of the Day: Pope Visiting USA

So the Pope is on state visit to the US and is traveling in his limousine towards the hotel from JFK. Halfway there he tries to convince his chauffeur if he may drive it himself.

“Sorry mr Pope. ‘Tis against company policy for clients to drive.”

“Yeah but can’t you make an exception just for today? Come on. The Vatican is too small for driving around and this thing sounds like it’s got a V8 in it.”

So after a lot of haggling the chauffeur relents. This is the Pope after all.

The Pope gets behind the wheel and the driver slides into the back. His holiness then promptly tries to see how fast the limo would go. Needless to say, a state trooper pulls him over.

After the Pope has winded down the drivers window the state trooper loses all color in his face.

He pulls out his radio: “C-c-control, this is unit 4. Need advice on procedure after pulling over a VIP for speeding.”

Control responds: “Unit 4. You know the drill. No exceptions for VIP’s according to state law.”

He looks at the Pope again.

“Er… I don’t think you quite understand. This is actually VVIP.”

Control gets agitated: “Damn you unit 4. So who exactly is this VVIP?”

“I think it’s God because the Pope is his chauffeur.”


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