At the bar

Three gentlemen are enjoying a pint at the bar when the bartender says to them, “lads it’s a slow night and I’d like to add some excitement, I’m going to make a bet with you. If you can throw your watch in the air, down your pint, run upstairs, take a piss, wash your hands then run back down before the watch hits the floor, the rest of your drinks are on me.”

The first gentlemen says “That is piss easy mate!” He unclips his watch and throws it in the air, but only gets a few gulps of his pint before the watch hits the floor.

The second gentleman laughs and says, “That was pathetic! I bet I can do better.” So he unclips his watch, throws it in the air and downs his pint, but as he spins around on the stool the watch hits the floor.

At this point the bartender is laughing hysterically that the two gentlemen even tried such a ridiculous challenge and pours them a pint for their efforts, as he goes to pour the third gentlemans pint, he stops the bartender. “Watch this then.”

The third gentleman unclips his watch, throws it in the air, downs his pint, runs upstairs, takes a piss, washed his hands then ran back downstairs and returned to the bar, then swiftly catches the watch in his hand.

The bartender is clearly stunned, as he pours a pint for the third gentleman he says “That was amazing, how did you manage to even do that?”

The third gentleman looks at the bartender, takes a sip of his new pint and says, “It was simple mate, my watch is slow.”


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