Bought a mattress

A man goes to a neighboring village to buy a mattress.
He buys the mattress for 200, lays it on his bike and start the long walk back home.
As soon as he enters his village, he runs into an acquaintance..

“What’s up” says the acquaintance..
“Went to the other village to buy a mattress”..
“How much did you buy it for?”

“Man, you got screwed..I bought a better quality mattress for 175 the other day”…
The man is a little pissed but walks on…and then runs into another acquaintance, and similar conversation follows but this time the guys says..
“Man you got screwed, I bought a better quality mattress for 150 the other day”..
The guys keeps walking, meeting people, everyone telling him how he got screwed, the last one telling him that he got a better quality mattress for 75 + two pillows thrown in…
The guy is massively pissed and as he gets close to his house, he runs into his neighbor..
Neighbor: “What’s up?”

At this point, the guy has no patience left and says
“I went to the other village to get screwed”..
Neighbor: “And you took your own mattress too?”


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